Our Site Design

Welcome to the Society for Endocrinology journals site!

We have put the finishing touches on Society for Endocrinology journals after many months of work. This look and layout is the result of research and testing on usability, including professional design review by iFactory and a usability-heuristics evaluation from Nielsen/Norman Group. Society for Endocrinology journals and Stanford University's HighWire Press have worked together to build the site from the bottom up.

We invite you to send us your comments and feedback on the site and its features; just click the Feedback button at the top of any page.

The user interface is a flexible three-column design that places many features at your service without taking attention away from the substantive page content. Features most closely associated with the page content are placed closest to it.  A major goal of the design is to keep you in context as you conduct your research.

Society for Endocrinology journals’s user interface features:

We have more features in mind for the future and would like to hear your suggestions.

Smooth transition:

All personalization settings, alerts, usernames/passwords, and subscription data are carried over from the previous site version. Bookmarks and links from the previous site version to content at http://www.endocrinology-journals.org will work transparently. Please let us know if you see any problems!

An empowerment platform for Society for Endocrinology journals:

HighWire Press is the technology provider for Society for Endocrinology journals as well as over 140 other scholarly publishers. The interface is the visible expression of a bottom-up rebuild of HighWire’s electronic publishing platform, H20 for “HighWire 2.0”, which was developed to meet the needs of a rapidly evolving internet environment. The platform infrastructure is highly permeable, meaning that it will interact with many other systems. It is flexible and modular so that it can easily be built upon using Web 2.0 applications, feeds, widgets, and web services.

Society for Endocrinology journals is among the first of the HighWire-hosted sites on the H20 platform. All other HighWire-hosted sites will be migrated over time.

We look forward to your comments and suggestions for the future.