Searching journal content for bone metabolism (as phrase) in full text.

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  1. ...bone metabolism remains unclear. Our research group reported that global PR-knockout (PRKO) mice had increased bone mass – female PRKO mice had increased bone formation and male PRKO mice had decreased bone resorption compared to 1- to 12-month-old wild-type (WT) mice (Yao et al. 2010). Conditional ~~~
  2. ...bone metabolism through several potential mechanisms. It is well known that both adipocytes and osteoblasts are derived from the same progenitor cells: bone marrow mesenchymal stem Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2016) 57, 161–170 Correspondence should be addressed to X Yu Email xijieyu@hotmail. ~~~
  3. ...bone metabolism . Steroids 66 375 – 380 . ( doi:10.1016/S0039-128X(00)00155-0 ) ↵ Vernia S , Cavanagh-Kyros J , Garcia-Haro L , Sabio G , Barrett T , Jung DY , Kim JK , Xu J , Shulha KP , Garger M et al. 2014 The PPARα-FGF21 hormone axis contributes to metabolic regulation by the hepatic JNK signali ~~~
  4. ...bone metabolism ~~~
  5. ...bone metabolism in adults. Despite its essential roles in male reproductive and bone health, very little is known regarding its transcriptional regulation in Leydig cells. To date, few transcription factors have been shown to activate INSL3 promoter activity: the nuclear receptors AR, NUR77, COUP-TF ~~~
  6. ...bone metabolism in aged ovariectomized rats and insulinresistant models. However, whether GLP1 has a direct effect on the proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts or any cellular mechanism for this potential role is unknown. We examined the effects of the GLP1 receptor agonist exendin-4 on t ~~~
  7. ...bone metabolism Historically, it was assumed that bone growth and function were regulated by oestrogen in women and by androgens in men. However, studies of normal men, those with aromatase deficiency and one individual with a mutation in the ERa, overturned this concept and led to the conclusion th ~~~
  8. ...bone metabolism (SanchezFernandez et al. 2008), the superior role of osteocytes entrapped inside small lacunae of a hard bone matrix in this process was mostly neglected. Despite being the largest fraction of bone cells (w95% of all cells present in the adult skeleton), for long osteocytes were beli ~~~
  9. ...bone metabolism regulation, offering a new vision of the steroidogenic ability of this tissue and new understanding of AI-induced bone loss.a significant bone loss at lumbar spine (LS) and/or femoral neck (FN) after 2 years on AI-treatment. In contrast, up to one-third (19.6% LS, 38.6% FN) showed no ~~~
  10. ...bone metabolism in adults. Despite its importance, little is known about the molecular mechanisms controlling INSL3 expression. Reduced Insl3mRNA levels were reported in the testis of mice deficient for chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter-transcription factor II (COUP-TFII), an orphan nuclear recept ~~~
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