Searching journal content for medullary thyroid cancer (as phrase) in full text.

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  1. ...medullary thyroid cancer 26 (99%) and phaeochromocytoma (50%) but also to other conditions according to specific genotype. 27 MEN2A also includes a 25% risk of developing parathyroid hyperplasia and is now recognised as 4 28 separate syndromes: Classic MEN2A, MEN2A with cutaneous lichen amyloidosis ~~~
  2. ...medullary thyroid cancer (NMTC) is (Wada, et al. 2002). FTC-OV is characterized by a 54 strong eosinophilic cytoplasm due to abundant mitochondria in conjunction with a 55 reprogrammed metabolism probably driven by estrogen-related receptor α (Mirebeau-56 Prunier, et al. 2013). In FTC-OV mitochondri ~~~
  3. ...medullary thyroid cancer (MTC), arising from parafollicular C-cells, and the more common (95%) epithelial thyroid cancer (also called non-medullary thyroid cancer, NMTC), arising from the thyrocytes themselves (Kitahara & Sosa 2016). The majority of patients with NMTC exhibit well-differentiated pat ~~~
  4. ...medullary thyroid cancer reveals 536 dominant and mutually exclusive oncogenic mutations in RET and RAS. J Clin 537 Endocrinol Metab 98 E364-369. 538 Ahn S, Kim TH, Kim SW, Ki CS, Jang HW, Kim JS, Kim JH, Choe JH, Shin JH, Hahn SY, et 539 al. 2017 Comprehensive screening for PD-L1 expression in thyr ~~~
  5. ...medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) of 93, 85 and 75%, respectively (Hundahl et al. 1998). The question how to properly assess the risk of relapse in differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) has Endocrine-Related Cancer (2017) 24, R387–R402 2411 R387–R402 Correspondence should be addressed to B Jarzab Emai ~~~
  6. ...medullary thyroid cancer reveals dominant 751 and mutually exclusive oncogenic mutations in RET and RAS. J Clin Endocrinol 752 Metab 98 E364-369. 753 Ahamadi M, Freshwater T, Prohn M, Li CH, de Alwis DP, de Greef R, Elassaiss-Schaap J, 754 Kondic A & Stone JA 2017 Model-Based Characterization of the ~~~
  7. ...medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) and pheochromocytoma: ‘Sipple syndrome’, 64 named after the author of this seminal description (Sipple 1961). It is now commonly referred to as 65 multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 or MEN 2, especially when complemented by primary 66 hyperparathyroidism. This achieve ~~~
  8. ...medullary thyroid cancer 46 (MTC), as it represents the first manifestation of the disease, and can lead to a fatal 47 outcome if undiagnosed or inappropriately treated (Wells, et al. 2013). However, in 48 familial cases with early genetic diagnosis, the guidelines recommend prophylactic 49 thyroide ~~~
  9. ...medullary thyroid cancer in MEN 2B: An 432 exploratory analysis. Surgery 144 1044-1050; discussion 1050-1043. 433 Brauckhoff M, Machens A, Lorenz K, Bjoro T, Varhaug JE & Dralle H 2014 Surgical curability 434 of medullary thyroid cancer in multiple endocrine neoplasia 2B: a changing perspective. Ann ~~~
  10. ...medullary thyroid cancer 10.1530/ERC-17-0033 Theo S Plantinga1,2, Mirela S Petrulea3, Marije Oosting1, Leo A B Joosten1, Doina Piciu4, Johannes W Smit1, Romana T Netea-Maier1 and Carmen E Georgescu3 1Department of Internal Medicine, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands 2Depar ~~~
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