Searching journal content for articles similar to Sbaihi et al. 201 (2): 241.

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  1. ...protein was transiently elevated in trout plasma in response to a heat shock in vivo. Using trout hepatocytes in primary culture, we tested whether stress levels of cortisol, the principle corticosteroid in teleosts, regulates exosomal Hsp70 content. As expected, a 1-h heat shock (+15°C above ambient...
  2. ..., Froesch ER, Jurgensen K & Hunziker EB 1994 Interactions of insulin-like growth factor I with dexamethasone on trabecular bone density and mineral metabolism in rats. European Journal of Endocrinology 130 387–393. (doi:10.1530/eje.0.1300387) Busillo JM & Cidlowski JA 2013 The five Rs of glucocorticoid...
  3. .... The origins of these speciesspecific reproductive traits are not yet fully appreciated. In this report, we present the discovery of a rapidly evolving homeostatic control system contributing to the regulation of testis size and function in the mouse and provide insights into a mechanism employed to achieve...
  4. ..., cortisol Bernier et al. 2009). Since e mobilization and redistribuf chronic stress on growth in Research B N MADISON et al. Cortisol and growth regulation in rainbow trout 226 :2 103–119are common chronic stressors in aquaculture that2009) and social subordination (DiBattista et al. 2006) fish have...
  5. ...receptors, either the GC receptor (GR) or the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR). The GCs are a class of catabolic hormones that are primarily responsible for modulating carbohydrate metabolism (Wajchenberg et al. 1984). In principle, GCs mobilize glucose to the systemic circulation. In the liver, cortisol...
  6. ..., Vanhoutte PM & Huang Y 2012 Calcitriol protects renovascular function in hypertension by down-regulating angiotensin II type 1 receptors and reducing oxidative stress. European Heart Journal 33 2980–2990. (doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehr459) Dong J, Wong SL, Lau CW, Liu J, Wang YX, He ZD, Ng CF, Chen ZY, Yao X...
  7. ...with cortisol blocked oPrl-stimulated aqp3 expression in vitro. Our data indicate that Prl and cortisol act directly upon branchial epithelium to regulate Aqp3 in tilapia. Thus, within the context of the diverse actions of Prl on hydromineral balance in vertebrates, we define a new role for Prl as a regulator...
  8. ...-dose Dex. Vanadate aloneJournal of Endocrinology (2007) 195, 229–240 References 1994 Interactions of insulin-like growth factor I with dexamethasone on trabecular bone density and mineral metabolism in rats. European Journal of M M CONRADIE, H DE WET and others . Vanadate prevents GC-induced apoptosis...
  9. ...defects. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 19 1329–1338. (doi:10.1359/JBMR.040403) Block MR, Badowski C, Millon-Fremillon A, Bouvard D, Bouin AP, Faurobert E, Gerber-Scokaert D, Planus E & Albiges-Rizo C 2008 Podosome-type adhesions and focal adhesions, so alike yet so different. European Journal...
  10. ...that the origins of the Y-axes are not set at 0. 229:1 29Research z wang and others 2016 Society for Endocrinology Printed in Great Britain Published by Bioscientifica Ltd. DOI: 10.1530/JOE-16-0006 Microsomal cortisol and glucose control (0.99 ± 0.14, P < 0.001) (Fig. 3A...
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