Searching journal content for articles similar to Warren and Perlroth 170 (1): 3.

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  1. ...reflect these influences as well. However, given the context of this section of the article, these influences will not be addressed. So how may the bone vascular system contribute to the improvements in bone health associated with physical activity? During low- and moderate-intensity treadmill exercise...
  2. ...DOI: 10.1530/JOE-17-0190 © 2017 Society for Endocrinology Printed in Great Britain Published by Bioscientifica Ltd. 97–109j w porter and others FGF21 and exercise on AT immunometabolismResearch 235:2 10.1530/JOE-17-0190 Jay W Porter1, Joe L Rowles III1,2, Justin...
  3. ...are not consequence of generalized resistance in the mechanism(s) involved in GLUT4 translocation. In fact, it has been demonstrated that short-term exercises of moderate-to-heavy intensity stimulate glucose transport in skeletal muscle from diabetic rats (Wallberg-Henriksson & Holloszy 1984, 1985) and insulin...
  4. ...exercise intensity and duration determine this response is not fully understood. The effects of manipulating exercise intensity and duration on acylated ghrelin concentrations and hunger were examined in two experiments. In experiment one, nine healthy males completed three, 4-h conditions (control...
  5. ...:// 2016 Society for Endocrinology Printed in Great Britain Published by Bioscientifica Ltd. DOI: 10.1530/JOE-16-0063 Introduction The beneficial effects of acute and chronic moderate intensity exercise on the glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle cells of aging, obese, and sedentary rodents may...
  6. ...Neuroscience 15 700–702. (doi:10.1038/nn.3079) Lewis DE, Shellard L, Koeslag DG, Boer DE, McCarthy HD, McKibbin PE, Russell JC & Williams G 1993 Intense exercise and food restriction cause similar hypothalamic neuropeptide Y increases in rats. American Journal of Physiology 264 E279–E284. Li J, Tang Y & Cai...
  7. ...of acute bouts of high-intensity aerobic exercise of differing durations on subjective appetite, food intake and appetite-associated hormones in endurance-trained males. Method: Twelve endurance-trained males (age=21±2 years; BMI=21.0±1.6 kg•m-2; VO2max=61.6±6.0 mL• kg -1• min-1) completed four trials...
  8. ...weeks combined endurance and strength training No change in circulating irisin levels 45 min cycling at 70% VO2 max 1.2-fold increase in circulating irisin levels directly after exercise 1 h acute low-intensity aerobic exercise No change in circulating irisin levels Single resistance exercise bout...
  9. ...exercise for 150 min/week or vigorous-intensity exercise for 90 min/week is recommended to achieve therapeutic benefits for type 2 diabetes (Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee 2008, American Diabetes Association 2013). Results of a Finnish diabetes prevention study demonstrated reduced...
  10. ...exercise (physiintolerance of the training program. Low-intensity chronic training is able to normalize many clinical aspects in Bro animals; however, these animals might have had a lower threshold for exercise adaptation than the control rats.the quantity of visceral fat and its particular inflammatory...
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