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  • Sustained treatment with a GnRH agonist (leuprorelin) affects the ultrastructural characteristics of membranous organelles in male rat pituitary gonadotropes
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  • Estrogen synthesis in the hippocampus
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  • Challenges and Considerations in Optimizing Ovarian Stimulation Protocols in Oncofertility Patients
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  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptors as molecular therapeutic targets in prostate cancer: Current options and emerging strategies
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  • Differential signaling of the GnRH receptor in pituitary gonadotrope cell lines and prostate cancer cell lines
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  • Structure of the GnRH receptor-stimulated signaling network: insights from genomics
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  • Agonists of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone in prostate cancer
    Ferenc G Rick, Norman L Block, and Andrew V Schally
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