11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-1 deficiency alters the gut microbiome response to Western diet

Supplementary Data

  • Supplementary Figure 1 - Rarefaction curves showing (a) Chao1 prediction of the number of unique operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and (b) phylogenetic distance, as an estimate of genetic distinctness between OTUs in the gut microbiota under different experimental conditions. Hsd11b1Del1/Del1 (KO) in red and C57Bl/6 control (WT) mice in blue. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. For all groups, n=6, with the exception of C57Bl/6 mice fed western diet, where n=5. (PDF 86 KB)
  • Supplementary Figure 2A - Relative abundance of families found in the gut microbiota of all C57Bl/6 and Hsd11b1Del1/Del1 mice in this study. (a) The relative abundance of different families comprising 231 OTUs common to all the mice in the current study. Abundance measures (x-axis) are an average across all the samples. Families (y-axis) are ranked by relative abundance. (PDF 78 KB)
  • Supplementary Figure 2B - (b) Individual subplots showing the relative abundance of all families detected in this study. Data are shown for diets (circles: chow vs triangles: western), genotypes (red: Hsd11b1Del1/Del1 (KO) vs blue: C57Bl/6 (WT)), and sample origin (from left to right: caecum, points 1, 2, 5 & 6; colon, points 3, 4, 7 & 8). For clarity, each subplot is scaled independently, and subplots are ordered by decreasing relative abundance. (PDF 76 KB)
  • Supplementary Figure 3 - Neighbour joining trees depicting relatedness between the 1152 OTUs identified in this study - the same tree is depicted in each panel. (a) The taxonomic assignment of each OTU is reflected by the colour of the circle at each tree tip. In subsequent panels (b-d) the size of each circle represents the mean relative abundance of the respective OTU across all samples in this study. The colour of each circle represents the effect size (np2) of each term in a univariate analysis of variance comparing OTU abundance between different experimental conditions (see methods: the effect size represents the variance in the data explained by a particular term as a proportion of the residual (i.e. unexplained) variance in the model). Terms are (b) diet, (c) genotype, and (d) diet*genotype. (PDF 230 KB)

This Article

  1. J Endocrinol February 1, 2017 vol. 232 no. 2 273-283
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  3. Supplementary Data