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Contents: November 1972, Volume 55, Number 2   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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The Dale Medal 1972. (Euhler US von)
J Endocrinol 1972 55: i.  

US von Euler
Adrenergic nerve particles in relation to uptake and release of neurotransmitter. The Sir Henry Dale Lecture for 1972
J Endocrinol 1972 55: ii.  

DC Anderson, R Peppiatt, L Schuster, and R Fisher
A new method for measurement of sex hormone-binding globulin in plasma and its clinical application
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xi.  

R Edwards and SL Jeffcoate
A simple radioimmunoassay for oestradiol-17 in serum samples from nonpregnant subjects
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xii.  

D Atkins and M Peacock
The effect of oestrogens on parathyroid hormone mediated bone resorption in tissue culture
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xix.  

RP Michael and EB Keverne
Differences in the effects of oestrogen and androgen on the sexual motivation of female rhesus monkeys
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xl.  

NA Macfarlane, IH Mills, and EP Wraight
The effect of kallikrein infusions on renal function in the dog
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xli.  

JG Lehoux, T Sandor, IW Henderson, and IC Jones
Some aspects of the regulation of aldosterone biosynthesis in the rat adrenal
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xliv.  

S Dirmikis and DS Munro
Partial purification of the binding activity for the long-acting thyroid stimulator in the human thyroid
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xlv.  

V Chan, GM Besser, and J Landon
Urinary thyroxine excretion
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xlvii.  

CG Scanes, TJ Nicholls, and BK Follett
Variations in the level of plasma immunoreactive luteinizing hormone during breeding cycles in Japanese quail
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xv.  

H Dobson, C Hopkinson, and WR Ward
Progesterone, 17 -oestradiol and luteinizing hormone in bovine peripheral plasma in relation to ovulation
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xv-a.  

RJ Scaramuzzi, CA Blake, RL Norman, J Hilliard, and CH Sawyer
Testosterone and gonadotrophin levels in serum of male rats following hypothalamic deafferentation
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xvi.  

DJ Craven and ID Cooke
The correlation of testosterone blood production rates and metabolic clearance rates with testosterone binding characteristics
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xvii.  

M Ginsburg, ID Morris, NJ MacLusky, and PJ Thomas
Ontogenesis of high affinity binding of oestradiol in hypothalamic and pituitary cytosol
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xx.  

RJ Norman, B Weatherhead, and DS Vincent
Changes in pituitary melanocyte-stimulating hormone in female ferrets exposed to 14-h photoperiods daily during winter
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xxi.  

JF Tate, SA Tait, and RP Gould
Purification of rat adrenal zona glomerulosa cells by unit gravity sedimentation
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xxi-a.  

AS McNeilly, DC Anderson, GM Besser, JC Marshall, P Harsoulis, L Alexander, BJ Ormston, R Hall, and W Collins
The luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone response to synthetic LH releasing factor in man
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xxiv.  

G Yamini, T Chard, and ME Blake
Some biological effects of antisera to human placental lactogen in rodents
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xxix.  

DI Johnston, SR Bloom, KR Greene, and RW Beard
Plasma pancreatic glucagon relationship between mother and foetus at term
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xxv.  

PM Jack and RD Milner
Effect of foetal decapitation on the development of insulin secretion in the rabbit
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xxvi.  

GE Lamming, S Moseley, and McNeilly, JR
Prolactin release in the ewe at parturition and first suckling
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xxvii.  

EN Cole and AR Boyns
Prolactin release from human foetal pituitaries in vitro
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xxvii-a.  

AE Bolton and WM Hunter
A new method for labelling protein hormones with radioiodine for use in the radioimmunoassay
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xxx.  

RN Hardy, KW Malinowska, and PW Nathanielsz
Plasma adrenocortical steroids immediately after birth in the rat, rabbit and guinea-pig
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xxxiv.  

J Sadow, R Penn, and S Knight
Impairment of corticotrophin release from the isolated pituitary gland following long-term cortisol treatment in the rat
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xxxiv-a.  

PF Brain
Oral lithium chloride, endocrine function and isolation-induced agonistic behaviour in male albino mice
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xxxix.  

H Heller
The effect of neurohypophysial hormones on the uterus of a marsupial species, the quokka (Setonix brachyurus)
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xxxix-a.  

GP Vinson, CH Tyndale-Biscoe, and BJ Bancroft
The effects of trophic hormones on the adrenocortical secretion of the brushtail possum, Trichosurus vulpecula
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xxxv.  

AP Scott, HP Bennett, PJ Lowry, C McMartin, and JG Ratcliffe
Coriticotrophin-like intermediate lobe peptide--a new pituitary and tumour peptide
J Endocrinol 1972 55: xxxvi.  

RA Hawkins and RE Oakey
Measurement of oestrone sulphate, oestradiol-17 and oestrone in human peripheral plasma
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 13-14.  

AA Ismail and DN Love
In-situ iodination and purification of steroidal tyrosine methyl esters on thin-layer chromatograms
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 13.  

JJ Bass, GE Neal, JB Bell, and D Lacy
Properties of seminiferous tubules of rat testis consistent with those of androgen dependent tissues
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 17-18.  

PM Collins, JB Bell, and WN Tsang
The effect of vasectomy on steroid metabolism by the seminiferous tubules and interstitial tissue of the rat testis: a comparison with the effects of ageing
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 18-19.  

MB ter Haar and PC MacKinnon
Preliminary observations on the effect of synthetic luteinizing hormone-follicle-stimulating hormone releasing factor on protein synthesis in the anterior pituitary of the rat in vivo
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 22-23.  

DB Crighton and JP Foster
The effects of a synthetic preparation of gonadotrophin releasing factor on gonadotrophin release from the ovine pituitary in vitro and in vivo
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 23-24.  

IC Hart
Level of prolactin in the blood of the goat during milking, throughout lactation and over a 24-h period
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 28.  

S Biswas and P Hindocha
Effect of human chorionic somato-mammotrophin and oestradiol-17 on the uptake of -aminoisobutyric acid by immature mouse uterus and ovary
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 28-29.  

PJ Lowry and C McMartin
A study of the action of peptides with corticotrophic activity on isolated adrenal cells
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 33.  

S Mackay and WG Breed
Contraceptive effects of an intra-uterine device in the mouse
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 37-38.  

AD Crocker and SM Hinsull
Renal electrolyte excretion during the oestrous cycle in the rat
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 42-43.  

DA Frith and RS Snart
Salicylate effects on vasopressin-stimulated water transport across toad bladder
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 43-44.  

JA Williams
Cyclic AMP formation and thyroid secretion by isolated mouse thyroid lobes
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 48.  

CK Chai and A Melloh
Selective breeding for variations in thyroidal iodine release rate in mice
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 233-243.  

DN Kalu, C Hillyard, and GV Foster
Effect of glucagon on bone collagen metabolism in the rat
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 245-252.  

WA Chamley, JM Buckmaster, MD Cain, J Cerini, ME Cerini, IA Cumming, and Goding, JR
The effect of prostaglandin F 2 on progesterone, oestradiol and luteinizing hormone secretion in sheep with ovarian transplants
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 253-263.  

E Steel and RA Hinde
Influence of photoperiod on oestrogenic induction of nest-building in canaries
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 265-278.  

AR Boyns, GE Jones, ET Bell, DW Christie, and MF Parkes
Development of a radioimmunoassay for canine luteinizing hormone
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 279-291.  

RM Pollard and CA Finn
Ultrastructure of the uterine epithelium during the hormonal induction of sensitivity and insensitivity to a decidual stimulus in the mouse
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 293-298.  

CE Grosvenor, DJ DeNuccio, SF King, H Maiweg, and F Mena
Central and peripheral neural influences on the oxytocin-induced pressure response of the mammary gland of the anaesthetized lactating rat
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 299-309.  

V Jensen, P Carson, and N Deshpande
Some aspects of the control of dehydroepiandrosterone synthesis in the human adrenal gland in vitro
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 311-321.  

M Birkinshaw and IR Falconer
The localization of prolactin labelled with radioactive iodine in rabbit mammary tissue
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 323-334.  

JY Paterson and FA Harrison
The splanchnic and hepatic uptake of cortisol in conscious and anaesthetized sheep
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 335-350.  

MJ Reed, K Fotherby, and SJ Steele
Metabolism of ethynyloestradiol in man
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 351-361.  

B Hobson and L Wide
A comparison between chorionic gonadotrophins extracted from human, rhesus monkey and marmoset placentae
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 363-368.  

PG Burstyn, DF Horrobin, and MS Manku
Saluretic action of aldosterone in the presence of increased salt intake and restoration of normal action by prolactin or by oxytocin
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 369-376.  

DM Biddulph and Gallimore LB, Jr
Temporal effects of parathyroid hormone on serum and urinary calcium in the hamster
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 377-385.  

G Benagiano, A Pala, M Meirinho, and M Ermini
Biosynthesis of human chorionic gonadotrophin in vitro: incorporation of ( 14 C)L-leucine
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 387-396.  

KW Malinowska, RN Hardy, and PW Nathanielsz
Neonatal adrenocortical function and its possible relation to the uptake of macromolecules by the small intestine of the guinea-pig and rabbit
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 397-404.  

AJ Milner
Cyclic AMP and the differentiation of adrenal cortical cells grown in tissue culture
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 405-413.  

BE Eleftheriou and DW Bailey
Genetic analysis of plasma corticosterone levels in two inbred strains of mice
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 415-420.  

EP Giorgi, JK Grant, JC Stewart, and J Reid
Androgen dynamics in vitro in the canine prostate gland
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 421-439.  

AS Pakurar and I Rothchild
Prolongation of pseudopregnancy in the rat by slitting the uterus
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 441-447.  

FH Hucklebridge, NW Nowell, and A Wouters
A relationship between social experience and preputial gland function in the albino mouse
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 449-450.  

T Teiri, T Nobunaga, and K Yamamoto
Fluctuations in the synthesis and release of prolactin by the anterior pituitary of the rat during the oestrous cycle
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 451-452.  

WR Butt
The iodination of follicle-stimulating and other hormones for radioimmunoassay
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 453-454.  

PG McDonald and C Doughty
Inhibition of androgen-sterilization in the female rat by administration of an antioestrogen
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 455-456.  

D Ketterer and WR Forbes
Induction of spawning in the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) by luteinizing hormone
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 457-458.  

MR Salaman
Discrepancies in the fat mobilizing activities of bovine growth hormone fractions determined in vivo and in vitro
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 459-460.  

JA Smith
An improved method of ascorbic acid measurement in the ovarian ascorbic acid depletion assay
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 461-462.  

JD Dunn, AJ Kastin, AJ Carrillo, and AV Schally
Additional evidence for dissociation of melanocyte-stimulating hormone and corticotrophin release
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 463-464.  

JJ Stern and R Jankowiak
Effects of actinomycin-D implanted in the anterior hypothalamic-preoptic region of the diencephalon on spontaneous activity in ovariectomized rats
J Endocrinol 1972 55: 465-466.  

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