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Contents: August 1965, Volume 33, Number 1   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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A Causton, B Chorlton, and GA Rose
An improved assay for parathyroid hormone, observing the rise of serum calcium in thyroparathyroidectomized rats
J Endocrinol 1965 33: 1-12.  

GS Greenwald
The effect of a single injection of diethylstilboestrol or progesterone on the hamster ovary
J Endocrinol 1965 33: 13-23.  

GS Greenwald
Anti-ovulatory potency of various steroids, determined by single injection into female hamsters
J Endocrinol 1965 33: 25-32.  

CH Gray and DA Shaw
The metabolism of [4-14-C]cortisol in patients with collagen diseases
J Endocrinol 1965 33: 33-55.  

CH Gray and DA Shaw
The metabolism of [4-14-C]cortisol in patients with sarcoidosis
J Endocrinol 1965 33: 57-65.  

DA Shaw
Some theoretical considerations of the metabolism of [4-14-C]cortisol in man
J Endocrinol 1965 33: 67-73.  

A Fullerton and JF Morrison
A comparison of certain responses of the vascular system of rats after the administration of progesterone and oestrogen
J Endocrinol 1965 33: 75-81.  

PJ Heald, PM McLachlan, and KA Rookledge
The effects of insulin, glucagon and adrenocorticotrophic hormone on the plasma glucose and free fatty acids of the domestic fowl
J Endocrinol 1965 33: 83-95.  

CS McCaa, TQ Richardson, RE McCaa, LL Sulya, and AC Guyton
Aldosterone secretion by dogs during the developmental phase of Goldblatt hypertension
J Endocrinol 1965 33: 97-102.  

WL Ashton
The glucose uptake induced in rat hemidiaphragms by insulin in the presence of human albumin
J Endocrinol 1965 33: 103-107.  

RN Banerjee
Insulin labelled with radioactive iodine: preparation, purification and hormonal properties
J Endocrinol 1965 33: 109-118.  

AH Baillie, MM Ferguson, KC Calman, and DM Hart
Histochemical demonstration of 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
J Endocrinol 1965 33: 119-125.  

JB King, M Panattoni, J Gordon, and R Baker
The metabolism of steroids by tissue from normal and neoplastic rat breast
J Endocrinol 1965 33: 127-132.  

K Fotherby, F James, S Kamyab, AI Klopper, and GR Wilson
Excretion of 6-oxygenated metabolites of progesterone and 5-beta-pregnane-3-alpha,17-alpha,20-alpha-triol during pregnancy
J Endocrinol 1965 33: 133-143.  

AM Barrett and MA Stockham
The response of the pituitary-adrenal system to a stressful stimulus: the effect of conditioning and pentobarbitone treatment
J Endocrinol 1965 33: 145-152.  

RW Edwards and AP Wade
The isolation of an unidentified substance from human urine
J Endocrinol 1965 33: 153-154.  

M Wells
Extraction of urinary gonadotrophin for assay by induced ovulation
J Endocrinol 1965 33: 155-156.  

J Sheldon and KW Taylor
The immunoassay of insulin in human serum treated with sodium ethylene diamine tetra-acetate
J Endocrinol 1965 33: 157-158.  

CL Foster, BA Young, M Allanson, and E Cameron
Nuclear inclusions in the adenohypophysis of the rabbit
J Endocrinol 1965 33: 159-160.  

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