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Contents: June 2003, Volume 177, Number 3   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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RC Fowkes and JM Burrin
Steroidogenic factor-1: a key regulator of gonadotroph gene expression
J Endocrinol 2003 177: 345-350. [PDF]  

JP Warne
Tumour necrosis factor alpha: a key regulator of adipose tissue mass
J Endocrinol 2003 177: 351-355. [Abstract] [PDF]  

DA Rees, MF Scanlon, and J Ham
Adenosine signalling pathways in the pituitary gland: one ligand, multiple receptors
J Endocrinol 2003 177: 357-364. [Abstract] [PDF]  

J Newell-Price
Proopiomelanocortin gene expression and DNA methylation: implications for Cushing's syndrome and beyond
J Endocrinol 2003 177: 365-372. [Abstract] [PDF]  

F Pecori Giraldi, E Marini, E Torchiana, P Mortini, A Dubini, and F Cavagnini
Corticotrophin-releasing activity of desmopressin in Cushing's disease: lack of correlation between in vivo and in vitro responsiveness
J Endocrinol 2003 177: 373-379. [Abstract] [PDF]  

JJ Smink, MG Gresnigt, N Hamers, JA Koedam, R Berger, and SC Van Buul-Offers
Short-term glucocorticoid treatment of prepubertal mice decreases growth and IGF-I expression in the growth plate
J Endocrinol 2003 177: 381-388. [Abstract] [PDF]  

N Konno-Takahashi, T Takeuchi, T Shimizu, H Nishimatsu, H Fukuhara, T Kamijo, N Moriyama, S Tejima, and T Kitamura
Engineered IGF-I expression induces glandular enlargement in the murine prostate
J Endocrinol 2003 177: 389-398. [Abstract] [PDF]  

RG Bennett, J Fawcett, MC Kruer, WC Duckworth, and FG Hamel
Insulin inhibition of the proteasome is dependent on degradation of insulin by insulin-degrading enzyme
J Endocrinol 2003 177: 399-405. [Abstract] [PDF]  

B Messenger, MN Clifford, and LM Morgan
Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide and insulin-like immunoreactivity in saliva following sham-fed and swallowed meals
J Endocrinol 2003 177: 407-412. [Abstract] [PDF]  

M Takamoto, K Tsuji, T Yamashita, H Sasaki, T Yano, Y Taketani, T Komori, A Nifuji, and M Noda
Hedgehog signaling enhances core-binding factor a1 and receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappaB ligand (RANKL) gene expression in chondrocytes
J Endocrinol 2003 177: 413-421. [Abstract] [PDF]  

J Cheung, YT Mak, S Papaioannou, BA Evans, I Fogelman, and G Hampson
Interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-1, receptor activator of nuclear factor kappaB ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin production by human osteoblastic cells: comparison of the effects of 17-beta oestradiol and raloxifene
J Endocrinol 2003 177: 423-433. [Abstract] [PDF]  

S Fabre, A Pierre, C Pisselet, P Mulsant, F Lecerf, J Pohl, P Monget, and D Monniaux
The Booroola mutation in sheep is associated with an alteration of the bone morphogenetic protein receptor-IB functionality
J Endocrinol 2003 177: 435-444. [Abstract] [PDF]  

M Tetsuka, S Yamamoto, N Hayashida, KG Hayashi, M Hayashi, TJ Acosta, and A Miyamoto
Expression of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases in bovine follicle and corpus luteum
J Endocrinol 2003 177: 445-452. [Abstract] [PDF]  

DC Skinner and A Caraty
Prolactin release during the estradiol-induced LH surge in ewes: modulation by progesterone but no evidence for prolactin-releasing peptide involvement
J Endocrinol 2003 177: 453-460. [Abstract] [PDF]  

H Cardenas and WF Pope
Distribution and changes in amounts of the androgen receptor in the pig uterus during the estrous cycle, early pregnancy and after treatment with sex steroids
J Endocrinol 2003 177: 461-469. [Abstract] [PDF]  

CA Isman, BC Yegen, and I Alican
Methimazole-induced hypothyroidism in rats ameliorates oxidative injury in experimental colitis
J Endocrinol 2003 177: 471-476. [Abstract] [PDF]  

To see an article, click its [Full Text] link. To review many abstracts, check the boxes to the left of the titles you want, and click the 'Get All Checked Abstract(s)' button. To see one abstract at a time, click its [Abstract] link.

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