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Contents: April 1985, Volume 105, Number 1   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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CL Au, DM Robertson, and DM de Kretser
Effects of hypophysectomy and subsequent FSH and testosterone treatment on inhibin production by adult rat testes
J Endocrinol 1985 105: 1-6. [Abstract]  

ES Penny, RL Patience, AM Sopwith, JA Wass, GM Besser, and LH Rees
Characterisation by high performance liquid chromatography of circulating growth hormone releasing factors in a human plasma
J Endocrinol 1985 105: R1-R4. [Abstract]  

SP Bidey, JM Emmerson, NJ Marshall, and RP Ekins
Characterization of thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin-induced cyclic AMP accumulation in the rat thyroid cell strain FRTL-5: potentiation by forskolin and calibration against reference preparations of thyrotrophin
J Endocrinol 1985 105: 7-15. [Abstract]  

WF Blum, G Riegelbauer, and D Gupta
Heterogeneity of rat FSH by chromatofocusing: studies on in-vitro bioactivity of pituitary FSH forms and effect of neuraminidase treatment
J Endocrinol 1985 105: 17-27. [Abstract]  

WF Blum and D Gupta
Heterogeneity of rat FSH by chromatofocusing: studies on serum FSH, hormone released in vitro and metabolic clearance rates of its various forms
J Endocrinol 1985 105: 29-37. [Abstract]  

Y Chandrasekhar, MK Holland, MJ D'Occhio, and BP Setchell
Spermatogenesis, seminal characteristics and reproductive hormone levels in mature rams with induced hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism
J Endocrinol 1985 105: 39-46. [Abstract]  

AP Weetman, CA Gunn, DP Rennie, R Hall, and AM McGregor
The production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies to the human thyroid microsome
J Endocrinol 1985 105: 47-52. [Abstract]  

JD Curlewis, M Axelson, and GM Stone
Identification of the major steroids in ovarian and adrenal venous plasma of the brush-tail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and changes in the peripheral plasma levels of oestradiol and progesterone during the reproductive cycle
J Endocrinol 1985 105: 53-62. [Abstract]  

JD Curlewis and GM Stone
Peripheral androgen levels in the male brush-tail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula)
J Endocrinol 1985 105: 63-70. [Abstract]  

A Dawson, BK Follett, AR Goldsmith, and TJ Nicholls
Hypothalamic gonadotrophin-releasing hormone and pituitary and plasma FSH and prolactin during photostimulation and photorefractoriness in intact and thyroidectomized starlings (Sturnus vulgaris)
J Endocrinol 1985 105: 71-77. [Abstract]  

IR Dickson and PM Maher
The influence of vitamin D metabolites on collagen synthesis by chick cartilage in organ culture
J Endocrinol 1985 105: 79-85. [Abstract]  

RE Dyball and G Leng
Supraoptic neurones in Brattleboro rats respond normally to changes in plasma osmotic pressure
J Endocrinol 1985 105: 87-90. [Abstract]  

RG Dyer, S Mansfield, H Corbet, and AD Dean
Fasting impairs LH secretion in female rats by activating an inhibitory opioid pathway
J Endocrinol 1985 105: 91-97. [Abstract]  

ID Gilham and BI Baker
A black background facilitates the response to stress in teleosts
J Endocrinol 1985 105: 99-105. [Abstract]  

WJ de Greef, W Klootwijk, B Karels, and TJ Visser
Levels of dopamine and thyrotrophin-releasing hormone in hypophysial stalk blood during an oestrogen-stimulated surge of prolactin in the ovariectomized rat
J Endocrinol 1985 105: 107-112. [Abstract]  

IC Hart, PM Chadwick, A Coert, S James, and AD Simmonds
Effect of different growth hormone-releasing factors on the concentrations of growth hormone, insulin and metabolites in the plasma of sheep maintained in positive and negative energy balance
J Endocrinol 1985 105: 113-119. [Abstract]  

E Mostl, HS Choi, and E Bamberg
Stimulation of androgen and oestrogen concentrations in plasma of cows after administration of a synthetic glucocorticoid (flumethasone) at the end of gestation
J Endocrinol 1985 105: 121-126. [Abstract]  

CM Riggs, RC Sutherland, and JB Wakerley
Reappraisal of the influence of mammary distension on the frequency of milk ejection in the rat
J Endocrinol 1985 105: 127-132. [Abstract]  

R Ravid, DF Swaab, and CW Pool
Immunocytochemical localization of vasopressin-binding sites in the rat kidney
J Endocrinol 1985 105: 133-140. [Abstract]  

FE Wilson
Androgen feedback-dependent and -independent control of photoinduced LH secretion in male tree sparrows (Spizella arborea)
J Endocrinol 1985 105: 141-152. [Abstract]  

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